Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Nurse Daddy to the Rescue

First off, I am not lying when I say that this is blood. It really is. And there was much more where it came from. Can you believe that this much blood...

came out of this little wound?

Today when Kyle was working out he put our removable pull-up bar on the door jam. While he was working on a different exercise, Brighton tried to shut the door that the pull-up bar was in. She didn't realize but that is a serious no-no because it makes the bar fall. Well, all Kyle and I heard was a loud bang and a painful scream. You know, the scream that makes your skin crawl and your heart jump into your throat and sends you into a whirlwind of panic. Kyle and I ran over to see what had happened and Brighton was crying. We started trying to calm her down when I noticed the giant blood stains on her shirt (from above). I started freaking out inside my head thinking she got stabbed in the back with the bar or something but I couldn't find any wounds. Soon we found little pools of blood in her hair. That's when we knew it was a head wound. She turned her head in one direction and the blood started to spray. It came in buckets at that point. Her shirt took a minor beating compared to our floor, clothes, the toilet, etc... I honestly have not seen that much blood since I pushed my sister off the bed in 9th grade and you could see her skull through that wound (okay, okay it's getting graphic. Sorry). So Kyle being the nurse that he is, brought her upstairs, calmed her down, gave her a shower, washed her wound, put medication on it, and checked for a concussion. All right before heading out the door for work! While Kyle was getting ready to leave for work Brighton says to me "Does Daddy have to go to work?" I replied "Yes he does." Then she says "I guess you can take care of me when he leaves." Lovely. I'm an afterthought. I guess we all need our Daddys to look like heroes in our own eyes and tonight B's Daddy really was hers. We are so proud of our medical professional and seriously don't know what we would do without him!

Oh and P.S. Daddy's patient is resting comfortably and is already back to her sprightly self.


Anonymous said...

Head wounds are the worst cause they just keep bleeding and look so much worse than they really are. Glad she's okay and glad you had a qualified guy to handle the situation. Miss you and can't wait til I can hop on a plane and see you in AZ!

Jessica said...

Oh I would have been on the floor and been the second patient. Yeah for nurses and dads. Way to be brave everyone!