Saturday, July 14, 2007

Special Day for the Foleys

Today was a special day for some friends of ours. A while back I told everyone about the story of the Foleys. Tehya was a foster child from birth to our friends Delmar and Jared Foley. Well a few weeks ago was Tehya's 1st birthday and all the papers went through last week for the adoption so they are an official family! We were invited to their sealing today and it was an awesome experience! They not only are official in the eyes of the government, but also in the eyes of the Lord! They are such a great family and Teyha is so lucky to be able to enjoy the blessings of being born in the covenant now that she is a full Foley! It was a tender experience that I'll never forget and I just thought I'd share the joy with all! Congrats to the Foleys!


Jenna said...

That really is wonderful! I'll never forget when I married Mitch and then they brought Amelia in to be sealed to us. She was just 10 months old...when they opened the door she looked at the chandelier in the sealing room and said "OOOHH". Everyone started bawling... it was AWESOME! Congratulations to your friends!

{B}dreamy said...

Wow, what a beautiful memory. And what a beautiful story. I'm so glad everything worked out and went through, and that you were able to be there for them.