Thursday, February 17, 2011

Temple Time

It was that time of the month again. Time to pack the kids up and drive to the temple. Our temple is so far away that we have to make a day of it so it's always kind a production when we go. We pack snacks, rent new movies for the ride, go out to lunch while we're there, walk around the temple and take pictures, etc... Luckily, the kids haven't gotten bored or worn out with the trips yet. Just another thing that we're excited about when it comes to moving to AZ: a closer temple. But we'll take what we can get now. We should consider ourselves lucky I guess because not too long ago, there was no temple in Lubbock. The people of Midland had to drive to Dallas to go to the temple which is a 5 hour drive. I'll take my 2 hour drive over that any day! And when you get to the temple, it's always well worth the drive.

Oh and Whilst taking pictures around the temple grounds, Brighton was extra careful to be reverent. She made sure to keep her arms crossed (As shown above) the entire time, all the while running and 'quietly' yelling to Porter. It was very sweet although I'm not sure she completely got the point. Also, once Porter heard a train in the distance, he was on a mission to find 'Thomas'. Note the concerned look on his face as he searches through the gate for his long lost friend.

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