Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Adventures of Supercrank

When Porter goes without a nap he becomes this evil villain we like to call 'Supercrank'. When Supercrank is roaming the Comin house, you want to duck and cover. Anyway, today Supercrank made an appearance so like always he ended up being stuck in his evil liar -a.k.a. the corner, for doing something villainous. Normally there is wailing and gnashing of teeth in the liar, but today he was quiet. We continued with our dinner for a few minutes and when it was time for him to come out of the corner, we found this tired little wrongdoer passed out on the floor (Yes our timeout corner is in the bathroom. Don't judge.). We couldn't help but laugh at the sweetness that was our nefarious half-pint. Apparently Supercrank's cryptonite is sleep.

What was even sweeter? When we tried to wake the P man up and he wouldn't be stirred, Brighton wanted to hold him on her lap and rub his head to make him 'feel happy' as she put it. Can't get enough of that sweet sibling love.


Annie Hatch said...

K. You are doing sooo good at keeping the blog updated! I'm inspired, I might have to do the same thing today. :) Love the sweet picture of the 2 kiddos!

Sarah and Mike said...

I wish supercrank could come and plot nefarious deeds at my house-I think he would really get along well with the troublemakers we are raising. We miss you guys. On another note, we are thinking of getting a sweet camara-could we talk sometime soon-I want to pick your brain!