Friday, February 25, 2011

Girls (and Boys) Just Want to Have Fun

Both of our husbands were gone tonight so my friend Jenny and I decided to have a girls night. We all got into our jammies and originally planned on watching a chick flick while the kids played, but ended up talking all night (which is what normally happens anyway). We vegged on junk food and just enjoyed each other's company. It was a ton of fun and I got a few highlights of the night on my camera. One of them being that Porter wanted to dress up as Rapunzel (More blackmail photos for the future). Another one being the girls snuggling up together. Also, Porter wanted to hold Jenny's little boy Max, who is about as big as Porter and is only 4 months old. Kind of comical to see. And I couldn't resist how cute little Max was with his new helmet to help his torticollis. Gotta love his sweet expression. It was a fun night and I really will miss them when we both move.

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