Thursday, February 03, 2011

Cold Colds

So I know I shouldn't complain because most of the people reading this blog live in colder climates than us, but we are still cold! And we HAVE colds! Which make us double cold! We have been stuck in our ice box we call a home (It won't heat up. The hottest it will get in our house is like 45 degrees.) and we are all still sick to boot. We have gotten creative in our ways to keep warm and feel better though. As you can see, Porter's personal preference is the Veggie Tales cocoon (which he is wrapped up in as he is watching Veggie Tales). Brighton's favorite thing to do is heat up her hands with her breath and my weapon of choice is to wear 3 sweatshirts and my winter jacket all together while drinking 2 cups of apple cider a day. I look like a walking marshmallow, but anything to stay warm right? I can't wait to move to a place that doesn't have heating and insulation that was built in the 1970s. And I can't wait for us to feel better again!

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