Thursday, June 28, 2012

How to Learn Spanish…Again

Ingredients to reteach yourself Spanish:

1. One mom with dark hair so it's difficult to tell if you're American
2. One super cute babe (blue eyes preferable)
3. One trip to Wal Mart @ 8:00 at night in McAllen, TX

Mix these ingredients together and everyone just north of the border will come up to you and start spouting off many compliments on what an adorable baby you have... all in Spanish. 8:00 at night or later(the later the better) is a preferable time because that is when EVERYONE (little children included) comes to the store so you will have many opportunities for Spanish conversations. You won't be able to leave the place without your baby being oogled over and vocabulary words like preciosa and nino bendito will come right back to you.

*Thanks little chicito for helping me get some Spanish back!

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