Monday, March 19, 2012

Week 19

I know it may not seem like it, but this kid is just a touch past his 4 month mark. 4 months came and went in the blink of an eye and I'm still trying to gain a grasp on a life of 3. They're all great and lovable and messy and sweet, but this one seems to have stolen my heart for the time being. He is super duper happy all the time. He smiles through his tears. He's got just the right amount of squishy padding on thoughs thighs and cheeks to want to eat up. This baby takes the cake when it comes to cuteness. If all babies were as great as little Graham Cracker, I'd have a dozen more... or maybe just one more. Anyway, since he's 4 months now, I thought I'd write down his baby stats:
Height: 25 inches- 34th percentile
Weight: 13 lbs 5 oz.- 8th perctentile
Head Circmference: 42 cm.- 15th percentile

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