Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Mustachioed 4 Monther

Graham is officially 4 months old today. I still feel like we are beginning to adjust to having a third little kiddo in the house. He started out a bit of a difficult baby, but now he is our little mellow child. Maybe we just can't get the newborn thing down or something?! Anyway, we love him and couldn't imagine our world without him. On a side note, our friends sent these super cute binkies which I love and since he doesn't take binks (just like the rest of our kids) I try about once a week to pop it in his mouth on the slight chance he'll keep it in. Graham is such a happy babe that when he smiles his whole face lights up, mouth fully opened and everything, so sticking a binky in is virtually impossible with this guy. Well, today on his 4 month b-day, he decided to let me see the cuteness for about 3 seconds. Then he got too happy and it fell right out. But not before I took my fair share of cute pics. Thank you rapid speed shot-taking camera. My favorite part is that he looks like he's lifting his hands up to curl the ends of his mustache like he's an evil villain in a 1920's silent film. Sorry, buddy. You don't have us convinced. You're too cute to have just tied a shrieking woman to the train tracks.

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