Monday, March 05, 2012

Week 17

I think we're on the tail-end of sickness in our house. Graham seems to be the only one with the last few symptoms and thankfully, Kyle is almost recovered, as today is the first day of school again (Did I mention he had a whole week off? It was heavenly! We did nothing and loved it!). Kyle caught something the second half of his break and was worried he was going into his last quarter of school (That's right! Only one more quarter until clinicals!) being all sick. But I think we're over it. Anyway, about the little chunk, he is still positively sweet. He's almost 4 months now and is perfectly content with staying on his back. He doesn't really try to move or roll yet, but I forgot when babies are supposed to start doing that. Is that bad? I think now that I have 3 it's almost easier when they don't start conquering those hurdles. Okay I'm starting to sound like a bad mom so I'll keep my mouth shut and just enjoy the time I have with this little chubby ball of goodness.

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