Thursday, November 06, 2008

Great Beginnings

So Kyle and I decided to treat oursleves to a night on the town in celebration of having 2 kids. We left them with a friend for an hour and went out to dinner. We tried to remember the last time we went out by ourselves and realized it was since we lived in Alaska! Almost a year and 1/2 ago! It was kinda fun and made me reminisce about the days when we were dating. We started dating in Rexburg, ID when we were both going to school at BYU-Idaho there. It was actually this time of year that we became a couple. We would go for long walks on Main Street and see the lights that decorated the trees down the lane. I remember we would go to devotionals together and sometimes I would bring him lunch. We would spend hours in the David O. McKay library, needing to study, but talking forever instead. We had a fantastic beginning together and it brings back really fond memories everytime this time of year rolls around. I appreciate him and all he does! I found myself quite the catch and couldn't be happier. What a great life and a great husband I have!


Annie Hatch said...

I happen to think that Kyle found just the right catch as well. You're just like a sis and I love ya tons!!!! So thanks Kyle.

Michelle said...
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Michelle said...

You guys make a great couple. Weren't those BYU-Idaho days such a great time!?

Jessica said...

Yeah for happiness in marriage!

Meg & Cache said...

Oh my GOSH! Congrats on your CUTE little Porter! Way to add to the cute fam! ha and Cache and I love your halloween costumes!! haha you guys seriously look like them ha! I wish I could have seen you at the apx party but I know you had better plans ;) but congrats and I'm glad to see everyone doing so well. tell brighton hi, and your such a cute wife.