Monday, February 19, 2007

Trouble in the Last Frontier

Well, we had a rough President's day weekend. Brighton started getting really cranky on Friday. By Sunday evening she had a fever of 102 and had been throwing up (which is out of the ordinary for her) and had diarrhea. At 2:00 in the morning, she started screaming at the top of her lungs and ended up having a temperature of 104.2

Needless to say, we were kinda freaking out. So we called our doctor and she let us know it was a viral infection and she could be teething even more. Today her temp. went down which gave us a relief, but she has still been kinda beastly. Hopefully she'll be better soon!

Anyway, I posted this pic because speaking of teething, Brighton has gotten a ton of teeth and I don't have any great pics of them but you can kind of see the two bottom ones in this pic. Now she has 4 and 2 more coming in! I'll have to take another pic so all the other ones can be seen. As you can see, she not only loves to flash her 2 pearly whites, she also loves to splash in the tub!


Clarissa Meegan said...

Sorry about the rough weekend! Brighton looks like little Danie Jr. and she is so dang cute!

Michelle said...

That's so sad! She looks like she's enjoying her bath though! Too cute.

{B}dreamy said...

cute cute cute cute cute