Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Our Pumpkin Patch

Meet our pumpkin family.

We tend to love Halloween in this house quite a bit. Maybe it's the excuse to eat a lot of candy or the super fun decorations. I'm not sure. That's why we've had our halloween stuff up since labor day. So we finally found a monday that kyle could come home a little early and we could do our pumpkins. This year instead of carving (which always leads to Kyle scooping out the gross stuff and me and the kids watching and eventually the kids aren't even interested in doing anything with the pumpkin.) we decided we to each get a little pumpkin and paint it. It was actually one of our favorite family nights ever! We just sat around and talked while we all exercised our artistic abilities. The only downside: I bought washable paint thinking that would be smarter for the kids but by the morning time most of our designs had flaked off of our pumpkins. Oh well. This was definitely a tradition that we're starting so there will be many more painted pumpkins to come.

*The kids insisted on including the little babe that's coming so that's the littlest pumpkin. They were the most devastated that his little face peeled off through the night so I think that was the third face I painted on him. Don't get washable paint to paint a pumpkin! Lesson learned!

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