Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Yummy Bath Wigs

So Brighton recieved Bubble bath in her stocking for Christmas and now there is no going back to ordinary baths! She loves the stuff! The feel, the taste, etc... (Yes, I said taste and we are frantically trying to ween her off of suds but she just can't get enough!) Kyle's new favorite pasttime is to make bubble wigs for lil B' which she in turn loves to show off for the camera! Anyway, she's having a blast and we're just grateful bathtime is still a fun time for her!

1 comment:

MikeG Family said...

Okay...I MUST try bubble baths for Braiden - maybe then I can get him to sit in the tub long enough for me to rinse him off! These pics of Brighton are so adorable! She is such a cutie, and I love the new wigs!