Monday, July 16, 2012

Week 36

G is 38 weeks and I don't know where the time is going!  Maybe it's the fact that I just looked back at the beginning of this photo project and realized that my baby is definitely no newborn anymore , but I can not believe how big this kid is getting!  When I had my other 2 children I loved them and they were sweet babies, but I couldn't wait for the next steps with them.  I always thought, "I can't wait until they're eating solid foods or walking on their own."  I'm ashamed to admit it, but I was a little excited to get out of the baby stage with them.  But I have to say, with Graham I am loving the baby stage.  This baby has made my heart melt.  He is the most easygoing and sweetest baby I've encountered which is probably why I'm loving this age.  Anyhow, he's doing great and I am wishing I could stop time and keep this squishy ball of happy forever.

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