Thursday, February 18, 2010

Clean as a Whistle

Lately Kyle has been putting Brighton to the test by making her deep clean our house with him. In the past week she has organized her bookshelf and cleaned her room everyday, done the dishes, vacuumed the couches, and he's even had her wash the windows! Who is this guy? I think he missed the memo that said child labor laws are in effect. Luckily Brighton enjoys it but I'm sure that happiness will soon fade once it's required of her to do these chores. For now, I guess I should just kick back and soak in the fact, that I'm not the only one doing the housework!


Anonymous said...

I've contacted CPS and they will be calling you within the week. Haha! Just kidding, Just kidding, I think it's an ingenious idea!

codyandmeag said...

You'll have to show her these pictures when she's older... to prove that she actually used to vacuum.