Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Belly Baby

Things have been so busy and crazy in AK that it's out of control! That is my excuse for the procrastination when it comes to keeping up with the blog! Well, it is insane how much has gone on in the past little while and how much Brighton is developing. She's almost 5 months and has been religiously rolling over for the past 3 weeks! She rolls from her back onto her belly but can't roll back over so she gets frustrated and starts flailing her arms and legs around like she's swimming in the air! It's kinda funny to watch until she starts crying and you put her back onto her back. She's a ton of fun! She has such a bright and giggly personality and it's great to have her around! I'm at the point where I want her to slow down when it comes to growing because there's something new and exciting she's doing every day and I can't keep up! Well, I'll make sure to catch everyone up with the happenings of the Comin Fam!

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