Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Losing It

It finally happened.  Brighton lost her first tooth.  I've been dreading this day for a while now.  Not because I don't like the blood or anything.  I just always felt like if she still had all her baby teeth, she was still my baby.  Silly, I know.  But alas, time stops for no one and she is growing into a sweet, older child.  It makes me sad because these important moments are fleeing from me so fast, but excited to see what's in store next.  Anyone reading this must be thinking, "It's just a tooth for Pete's sake!"But I remember when my baby teeth started falling out and how grown-up I felt.  She's already experiencing that!  Where did that little baby go?  Everyday she's doing things that make her seem older and more mature and I guess I don't notice it until she experiences these rite of passages, making her become an older girl.  Anyway, someone just tell me to get over it because she's still only 6 and it's just a blasted tooth.  Why am I freaking out?  I hope I don't have a meltdown every time she loses a tooth because with all those teeth in her head, that could make for a lot of tearful evenings.  I guess we'll just wait and see what tomorrow holds because her other bottom tooth is loose now too.Wish this toothless girl and her weepy mom good luck!

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