So here's the skinny. I've been alluding to the fact that we're moving for quite sometime now. I'll fill everyone in with the details now. Kyle's in Nurse Anesthesia school. That much you should know by now. It's a 2 year program and he is finishing up his first year (woo too!) which the didactic part. Nothing but book work and test. Needless to say, we're a little relieved to be closing up that part of the process. The second year is his clinical rotation year. Then he gets to be a full-fledged CRNA (after passing his boards but one step at a time). We're about to start step 2: clinical rotations. If you didn't already gather from the word 'rotations' Kyle has to move around (or rotate) to new sites all over the country and we are joining him for the adventure. First, we're on to Edinburg, Texas which is a town about 10 miles north of the Mexican border. About as far south as America gets. So we've got that going for us. Oh and did I mention each rotation only lasts 3 months? Yeah, we'll be unpacking and packing quite a bit, but we only filled our 2 cars with the necessities. Oh right, that's another thing: we're living out of our cars. Although we rented an apartment, we only have air mattresses to sleep on and a card table to eat from. To say we are living the simple life would be a gross understatement. But I think it might help us to step back and reevaluate the important things in life. We have all our needs and that's all, but really the only things I truly need are sitting by me in the picture above.
That is a beautiful picture of your family! Adventure awaits for sure. Good luck and I hope it goes well!
love, Megan Johnson
I ADORE this picture! Where did you get those boots? And your hair looks awesome!
I love this pic too!
Very nice.
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