I didn't realize how crazy Halloween can be when your kids are in school. Brighton had a Halloween party which basically lasted the entire school day and parents and siblings were invited so I took Porter and helped out in the classroom. It was fun but a little chaotic so when we were supposed to go to Kyle's school @ 3:30 right after that, we were already dragging a little. Midwestern always has a big carnival and trick-or treating in all the buildings so we wanted to check it out and say hi to Kyle. It was packed and pretty fun (they even had a few bounce houses which are every kid's dream right?) and we initially enjoyed ourselves, but with every long day for nap-taking kids comes a ridiculous evening. Maybe it was the lack of naps, the surge of sugar in their systems or the fact that I'm down to zero percent energy at any given time, but we had quite a few meltdowns (basically coming from Porter) and we were not about to go door-to-door to make the neighborhood rounds after that, so although it was an eventful day, the 2 munchkins were able to be to bed by 7:00 and snoozing by 7:05. Halloween is always fun and crazy and I know I'll look back on these times with fondness, but let's just say that now that I'm sitting comfortably in my jammies having a peacefully quiet night, I'm a little grateful that Halloween is behind us.
P.S. And if you didn't get what our costumes were: Brighton was a cupcake, Porter was a cookie, Kyle was a baker, the baby belly was a bun, and I was the oven. Get it? I'm always all about the theme, especially while the kids are little and I can still sway their opinions about what they want to be. And homemade always comes from the heart so let's just say we were definitely a 'heartfelt' crew this year.
HAHA! LOVE THE BUN IN THE OVEN costume! I wanted to do that but had my babies in September or August...bummer! So fun chattin it up with you today! LOVE YA!
I love homemade costumes. They are lots of fun. Congratulations on the 'Bun in the oven'! Loved the costume.
Glad to hear you are all doing well. We miss you.
Mary Jo
ACK, I LOVE IT!!! Last year was the last year I got to pick the family themed costumes... Just wait until your kids start having strong opinions about what they will/won't wear for Halloween! Then you have to get real creative if you still want everyone to match. *B
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