On Monday, Kyle had his nursing pledge ceremony which is basically a white coat ceremony signifying entrance into the medical profession. In this they recite a pledge that the class has come up with to dedicate themselves to nursing. Anyway, it's kind of a big deal and since Kyle is the President of his class (which we are so proud of!), he had to organize the whole thing, including invitations, programs, speakers, a dinner, etc... So he has basically been running around with is head cut off for the past week! The ceremony went really well and we're proud of his hard work, but he is very thankful it is over and we're thankful that we have a daddy and husband back (For the time being).
Woo-hoo Kyle!
Wow! Go Kyle! Pretty cool stuff!
Congrats Mr. President.
All right, Kyle! That IS a big deal! On the road to being a medical professional!
Okay, so I wrote that message twice and then deleted one. Sorry!
Way to go, Kyle ! that lab coat looks Good on you!
Congrats Kyle. We are not surprised with your dedication and performance and we are certainly proud. Thank you for the invitation and your service.
All our love, Chris and Bob
Next time a homemade invitation would be nice people. Congratulations anyway. I guess.
That is awesome! You look so professional in your white coat...way to go!
Pat says:
The mustachio would have complemented that lab coat perfectly.
Congrats Presidente!
Here is the link to those pics:
I need your email address!
Yeah, white coat ceremonies are a big deal! Go Kyle! Congratulations to all of you!
That's grrrrreat!! I wish I had a white coat...
Hey...I'm sending out Christmas cards and need your address! Will you email it to me when you get a minute? My email is
tiff.george82@yahoo.com Thanks, and I hope you're doing well. We were so sad to miss you when you were here a couple weeks ago!
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