Monday, December 31, 2007
A long awaited update
Monday, December 10, 2007
A Very Late Thanksgiving
Oh my gosh! Can i just say that I'm the worst blogger of all time?! SO things have been kinda busy but my big excuse is that our computer has o much stuff on it that it is taking 2 years to do anything so it's almost impossible to post. I know I just need to clear everything off so I think that will be my Christmas project. Well, much has happened but I'll start off with a Thanksgiving update. We went to Kyle's mom's house (Grandma Kathy) and met up with his sister Keri and Brother-in-law Dan. They have Olivia who is 3 months younger than Brighton so they had a blast playing together. Dan brought his new gun so we all went shooting for a little while and it was fun (note my awesome stance as I fire it off.) After the Thanksgiving festivities were over, Keri and I went to Park City at midnight to hit all the sales. I know, we're crazy, but it was fun to hang out together and feel the excitement of the hunt! I found Brighton a winter jacket that was 70% off so that made me feel good. Then we went home and took a long nap.
AFter Kyle's Mom's house we stopped by his parents' house in Cedar Hills and spent the day watching the BYU/Utah football game and eating leftover thanksgiving goodies. We stayed the night at Tyler and Casey's (our brother and sister) throughout the trip and it Brighton was loving her life hanging out with her Aunt Casey and Uncle Ty. All-in all it was a super busy, but super fun trip! More on the recent happenings in our life soon!

Thursday, November 15, 2007
Mr. Prez and the Pledge
Saturday, November 10, 2007
The Mustachioed
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Hall of Fame Halloween
It's a little late I know, but I still wanted to show some of the pictures we took of the Halloween festivities we partook of. First off, Brighton was a little ladybug which suited her well and I was a butterfly, so we were a family of insects. I must have forgotten how fun it is to go trick-or-treating and get into the occasion because we had a blast dressing up and walking door to door. Maybe I can blame the past begrudging feelings on the holiday due to the fact that in Alaska we had to think of any costume that would fit over our snow suits. By 6:30, we'd be numb and go home with very little candy. Not so much of a fun holiday.
Anyway, here in Cedar it was a gorgeous day out and we could sport the costumes to our hearts content. We started the day off by going to our weekly storytime where everyone wore their costumes and Halloween stories were read. It was so fun to see all of our friends in their costumes! Brighton was loving seeing all the different outfits! Fun fun! Later on that evening we went out on the streets to hit up the neighborhood for the sweet stuff! It was so fun watching Brighton walk up with her little bucket (that was about as big as her!), knock on the door, and get excited when they put a treat in her pail! We loved it! She's at the age where she's just starting to understand things like this so it was a blast. Maybe it's the whole having a kid thing and doing the whole shebang for her, but Halloween has never been this fun before!
Brighton stealing a bite of pumpkin. P.S. Pumpkin is her new favorite word to say.
Also, the Monday before Halloween we decided to carve our pumpkins which I'm honestly not a fan of due to all the nasty insides that it seems like gets everywhere in your house no matter how many newspapers you put down. Well, we carved and Brighton really wanted to be a part of the action so Kyle put a piece of pumpkin on her highchair so she could play with it and the next thing we know, half of it was gone! She ate it! Luckily there were no sick tummies or nasty diapers, so she's alright! It ended up being pretty fun though and we were glad to see daddy because he's been SUPER busy with school. It was actually a great family night. Anyway, Halloween is starting to grow on me and this has been the most fun one we've had since...ever.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Monumental Weekend
Okay so a few big events happened in our lives this weekend. First off the Red Sox won the Series so Wahoo!!!!! I'm sure my dad is walking on cloud 9 (We are pretty pleased ourselves.).
Secondly, we went to our very first sheep parade! There was a parade on Main Street in Cedar and it was basically all cowboys, farmers, and their animals. They even had 'Ms. Rodeo Queen 2007' and the Rodeo princesses on horseback there (which is basically a horse riding beauty pageant!)! It was the epitamy of Southern Utah! Brighton was loving it! The grand finale was about 1000 sheep barrelling down the road! It was really funny to watch. We love the fact that Cedar is Festival City USA! One reason being there is always a crazy parade like this one going on about every other weekend! There's never a dull moment here!
Lastly but definitely not leastely (not a word I'm sure), Brighton went to her first day of Nursery at church all by herself! It was hard to see her go, but it was definitely time. Before we were out the door, she was playing with someone and didn't even turn around to say goodbye! Am I the only one having serious issues with my child growing up?! It makes me so sad to see her grow so fast, but at the same time it gets me excited for the stages she's going through. Life is crazy. Crazy but good.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Fever Pitch
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Mommy's Little Chef
I had to make some pumpkin chocolate chip cookies for my ward enrichment the other day and Brighton is at the age where it is impossible to do anything in the kitchen by myself, so I plopped her on the counter and she absolutely loved helping mommy mix the batter. She thought she was so cool being up so high and being able to be in on the action. She was quite the helper and would say "mi, mi, mi" when she got excited about mixing. It's crazy how much she's picking up on a daily basis! She's getting to be such a fun age! I just wish she'd stop growing so fast!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Sleepy Sunday and Harvest Monday
Well, as a little recap, we a great family weekend. On Sunday we went to church just like any other Sunday and Brighton normally takes her nap right after church ends, but she was super hungry so we thought we'd feed her a little bit before we put her down. Well not even 2 minutes after she was in her high chair while we were getting our lunch ready, we found a sleepy child. She zonked in the chair! She couldn't even keep her eyes open. We thought it was hilarious! Maybe you had to be there, but it was quite funny to us and I knew I had to document it.
Anyway, then on Monday since Kyle had it off because of a thing called Harvest Break (Which is actually just an excuse to get an extra day off for the first hunting weekend of the season here. Everyone in Southern Utah is obsessed with hunting! I daresay it's worse than Alaska!), we packed up and headed out to the pumpkin patch in Paragonah for Brighton's first Jack-o-lantern picking excursion! She loved walking in the pumpkin field and pointing at all the pumpkins, but I'm sad to say that the red dirt was a little more enticing to her. She was filthy by the time we got back in the car. It was still a fun a experience though and I love this time of season when orange pumpkins and yellow leaves are all around! It's a great time to make some great mems!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Night Time Rituals
Brighton has been loving her night time habits lately which makes life a lot nicer for us! Here is a run down of her evening....First Kyle gives her a bath which takes at least an hour as she loves to play. Then he lotions her up and puts her PJs on. But after that comes the exciting part. We get out the brushes and she squeals with delight saying "Buh! Buh" (which translated means brush). She gets one and Kyle gets one and she thinks it's so cool to brush her own hair, although she rarely touches a strand with the actuals bristles. She sometimes even tries to brush mommy and daddy's hair, always making sure to be gentle (She's a very sensitive girl). After our brushing fun is done, we say "Where are the scriptures?" and she runs for her special Book of Mormon board book and we read a story. Next we say " Say good night to Jesus." and she runs to this picture we have of him, squats down and lays a wet one on the portrait. It's probably the cutest thing I've ever seen. Lastly, we say our prayers and she can actually say Amen. Then it's to bed she goes. No tears. No screaming. And it's pure relaxation for mommy and daddy until morning time. What a great little girl we have!
Monday, October 15, 2007
Super Cute Claire

Saturday, October 13, 2007
Lil' B in da' house
This morning Kyle thought it would be funny to put a bandana on Brighton so now we have a thug baby on our hands! My dad always talks like a gangster to Brighton and his favorite thing to say to her is "Lil' B in da' house!" Well this pic is for her G'pops. Doesn't she fit the part of a rapper thug now?!
Friday, October 12, 2007
The Domestic Hermit
Okay so to tell the truth, the reason I've been such a hermit and haven't even turned my computer on in days is because I have been working on a few projects and once I start something, I don't sleep or eat or basically do anything until I'm done. I realize this is probably a bad habit, but I just can't help it! So anyway, due to our lack of funds because we're still students, I've been trying my hand at sewing versus buying things such as curtains and couch covers. Last week I pumped out these curtains for Brighton's room after I found the material for a steal at Wal-Mart. They weren't too difficult so I thought I could figure out how to cover our polyester orange-made-in-the-70's chairs that we got for free. Well, to be honest it was a little tougher than I'd imagined but they turned out alright and now we can have guest over without being embarrassed that we live in a hippie house. So there you have it. By the end of the week I felt truly domestic. But I think I'll take a break from my domestic lifestyle for a little while. I've got way too many puncture wounds on my hands from all the pins I used! Oh and there's a little eye-candy of Brighton and her daddy up top to satisfy your lil B needs.!
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Provo Showers

We ended up staying at Kyle's sister Annie's house with her husband Joe and their boy Landon who is almost a year and it was so fun because Brighton loved playing with Landon all the time. She felt so cool trying to feed him his bink and show him how to walk (He's almost there!)! It was so fun to see them interact! I can't wait until they can actually talk to each other! That'll be interesting!
Also, one last thing that was awesome was that all the sisters (Casey, Keri, Annie, Annie's friend, and I) all got to go to General Relief Society Broadcast at the Conference Center. Annie miracuously got 5 tickets to go to it and it was AMAZING! Oddly enough it started raining and snowing on the way to Salt Lake, but we were determined to get there. Just to be there in the center and to see the prophet and to feel the spirit there was out of this world! I think we decided to make it a tradition to go together because it was quite the experience! Well, there you have it. You're updated! I'll try and be better, but who knows when busy life will die down?!

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